Caring Community Connections (CCC)


Are you concerned about yourself or someone you know?





学生办公室的工作人员与校园内的许多办公室密切合作,以确保学生之间有适当的联系. We encourage you to make your own personal referrals for students, 然后通过信息报告跟进,让我们知道你的担忧.



Chaplain and Religious Life

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention

Office of Institutional Access and Equity

Residence Life and Student Housing

Student Conduct and Community Standards


Students may exhibit a variety of indicators of distress. 鼓励教师、职员、学生和家长报告令人担忧的行为.


  • Noticeable absence(s) or tardiness
  • Decline in grades and/or quality of work
  • Repeated requests for special consideration or extensions
  • Disruptive classroom behavior, excessively blaming others
  • 过多的拖延
  • References to self harm or harm to others in verbal/written work
  • Disproportionate response to grades/evaluated work


  • 情感的爆发
  • Excessive weight gain or loss
  • 个人卫生改变
  • 利息损失
  • 睡眠障碍
  • 哭泣
  • 受损的演讲
  • 难以集中注意力
  • 明显的削减/瘀伤
  • 频繁的疾病 


  • Direct statements from student indicating distress
  • Increased dependency on others
  • Inability to get along with others
  • 远离他人
  • Disruptive or unruly behavior
  • 过度焦虑或担心
  • 情绪的显著变化

Other Indicators to Consider

  • Expression of concern from a peer
  • Significant and ongoing financial or legal problems
  • Significant changes in behavior
  • Your own intuition that something is wrong


There are several reasons to refer a student who appears to be struggling. 你的推荐可能是学生第一次有机会与校园里的人联系,讨论一个问题并寻求有组织的干预. The sooner we hear from you, 更好的 able we are to assist a student. 报告还创造了一种“关怀文化”,这样学生就能感受到校园和社区的支持,并能更好地恢复元气. We also receive reports from all over campus, so when we connect your concern to other concerns, we can provide enhanced and holistic support. 最后, 有些问题需要报告——教职员工必须报告性行为不端的实例或指控.

Have a question or need to consult before making a referral? Call the Office of the Dean of Students at 214-768-4564.


Once we receive a submission, 我们通常会立即与学生联系,处理你提交的材料. 有时, 我们可能会跟进您以获取更多信息或讨论已经与学生进行过的任何干预措施.

If we receive an informational report, we will keep it on file and do not typically make contact with the student. If it is necessary to reach out a student based on an informational report, we will let you know before beginning outreach.

Student Advocacy and Support staff meet with students when concerns are submitted. 这些会议不是惩罚性的,目的是提供一个支持性的环境来讨论所提出的关切, and to strategize ways to address the reported issues. 学生和工作人员合作制定行动计划和适当的后续步骤. 有时,为了问责或排除故障,会安排后续会议.

We may also follow up with you, 提交者, 让您知道我们正在努力解决您的问题,或者问题已经得到解决. With a student's permission, we may share more about next steps.


For Faculty - Notification of Student Issue

当学生在课堂上出现严重影响他们的问题(长时间缺课)时,教师可能会收到我们办公室的通知, 失踪的作业, 低性能). These issues include hospitalizations, a recent death of a family member or friend, 或者情绪困扰, 但我们通常会把大部分细节留给学生与您直接讨论, 根据需要. 学生知道,当我们发出任何通知,教师有充分的自由裁量权,任何考虑给予他们的独特情况. 他们还被告知,他们需要直接与每一位教员会面,讨论需求,制定计划,以便回到正轨.

Frequently Asked Questions

A referral to CCC is explicitly not counseling. Students who are referred for CCC purposes are discussing their concerns, strategizing an action plan, and obtaining appropriate referrals if needed, which may include a referral to 咨询服务. 需要持续心理支持的学生被转介到咨询服务. 遇有危机需要即时心理支持的同学,应及时联系 咨询服务 第一个.

看到 “何时推荐” 以上. 重要的是要记住,有时看起来微不足道的事情可能是痛苦的迹象, so we do encourage you to report. Additionally, trust your own instinct - if something seems off, let us know. Finally, ask the student if they'd like to speak to someone about their concern. 我们发现,当学生意识到他们被推荐时,他们更愿意接受帮助.


The CCC program is not designed to address imminent threats to health and safety. 如果有紧急情况, please contact SMU PD 第一个 (214-768-3333 or 911), before submitting a concern.


工作人员不会明确指出谁提交了问题——重点是解决问题, and not on the person who submitted. 但是,学生可以根据所提供的信息识别谁提交了关注. We do think it is okay to let a student know that you've made a referral.

关于提交的信息,我们的办公室是保密的,但不是明确保密的. This means that we treat information with the utmost sensitivity and respect, 并遵循《威尼斯人博彩》(FERPA)关于是否或何时分享任何内容的指导方针. 法律要求我们在收到任何不当性行为的指控时,向机构访问和平等办公室报告.

Remember that if you're a faculty or staff member, you are required to report any allegation of sexual misconduct to the Institutional Access and Equity Office (IAE).

For other instances that do not require you to submit a concern, 校园里有一些保密的资源——咨询服务和牧师办公室. 如果一个学生和你分享了一些他们希望和一个保密的人进一步处理的事情, please refer them to one of these resources.

Finally, remember that the CCC program is designed to help students. 我们理解学生与您建立关系并信任您保持他们的信心. 然而, you cannot promise complete confidentiality, and the earlier you report, 更好的, especially when a student’s well-being is compromised. 对于有这种要求的学生,一个恰当的回答是:“我不能保证完全保密, 但我可以保证,我只会把这种担忧分享给那些需要知道并能提供帮助的人."

是的,在很大程度上. 我们直接与其他办公室合作,所以如果你的问题由其他办公室更好地解决, such as the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office, we will refer appropriately. 然而, 如果你的教室里有紧急情况,或者其他人的健康和安全受到威胁, please contact SMU PD immediately. You may then follow-up your SMU PD contact with a CCC submission.

如果你得知有学生因情有可原的情况而缺课, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 214-768-4564.



Please call the Office of the Dean of Students at 214-768-4564.