Mustang Marriages 2024: Partners for Life

They arrived at SMU 戴德曼法学院 seeking a top-notch education. They left with that—and a partner for life. 

Happy Valentine’s Day from SMU Dedman Law and from these lawyers in love!


It all started with free pretzels and beer. 50多年前, 甚至在法学院之前, a Mustang Marriage between two future legal powerhouses was born. In 1970, 巴布是弗吉尼亚大学一年级的第一批女学生. 迈克在弗吉尼亚大学已经两年了, 很少有女性出席, 所以他“有点像约会机器”,他笑着说. 当他遇到我们现在所知的“可爱的能量球”——尊敬的芭芭拉·M时,这一切戛然而止.G. 林恩.

Mike had very little money for dates, so every Friday at 7:29 p.m. he took Barb to the meetings of the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society, 有激烈的辩论和演讲,以及前面提到的免费啤酒和椒盐脆饼. Barb could attend, but she could not join, much to their shared dismay. 为了绕过章程,打破与不愿接纳女性成员的僵局, 迈克想出了一个绝妙的主意. 当那些反对男女同校的人去参加狂欢节时,迈克召集了一个特别会议. 章程被修改了,僵局以一票之差被打破,巴布被录取了. 迈克在杰斐逊协会的政治生涯结束了,但他得到了一个妻子. 正如他所说,“这是一笔公平的交易.“其余的,就像他们说的,是历史.

新大法学院, 在安德伍德法律图书馆的二楼,芭布和迈克占据了他们最喜欢的桌子,在那里,当迈克向她发射纸飞机时,芭布会勤奋地学习. They were founding members of the Association of Women Law 学生, 一起参加模拟审判, 而且都在法律评论上, 但不是在同一时间.

在法学院的时候找点乐子, they would go to a movie and their favorite bar, 印度, 在那里,他们可以听音乐,喝一杯酒,整个晚上——所有这些都是由迈克“潜水”从他们公寓后面的垃圾箱里收集玻璃瓶,然后把它们还给他们花的钱提供的. “花大约五美元,我们可以去看电影,慢慢地喝上一杯,”他们回忆道.

对于这两位达拉斯法律界的标志性人物来说,翻垃圾箱和免费啤酒的日子如今已成为遥远的记忆. Barb在德克萨斯州北部地区担任联邦地区法官已有24年,是德克萨斯州第一位女性首席法官. Mike于1993年成立了自己的公司,这是一家卓越的商业诉讼精品店林恩, Pinker, Hurst & Schwegmann, and has tried to verdict more than 120 civil and criminal jury trials. 他们有两个孩子, 塔拉和惠特尼, and are the proud grandparents of three granddaughters and one grandson.

Their advice to today’s law school couples is to “lean on each other, 阅读对方的练习试卷, 记得找点乐子. 法学院24小时不停歇太过分了.“迈克和巴布已经结婚50年半了,所以这个建议值得采纳!


Proof that lawyers are planners: Kit wanted to 结婚 on New Year’s Eve, 是的, she did in fact book the church before she and Kemp were even engaged. A call from the church office alerted Kemp to his impending wedding date, 几个月后他向我求婚了!


Although they met at the beginning of law school, 他们不在同一个11年级,基特和肯普直到大一下学期才开始约会. They don’t remember who made the first move, 但他们知道他们的第一次约会是在情人巷的凯瑟琳艺术咖啡馆吃晚饭,然后去看电影.

“晚餐很好。, 这部电影很糟糕。, 有人担心坎普那辆非常旧的斯巴鲁可能会在路上抛锚,他们回忆道。.

As they navigated their law school years together, 他们的大部分空闲时间都是和朋友们在大麦屋(The Barley House)度过的, for those familiar with Dallas in the early 90s), listening to Grateful Dead music at Club Dada on Saturday afternoons, and eating comfort food at Snuffer’s on Sundays.

给正在法学院读书的情侣, Kit and Kemp advise “keep your relationship and the law separate. Law school is stressful enough with studying, exams, etc., and the last thing you want to do is bring that stress into your relationship. 一起谈论其他事情. 一起做其他事情. This applies to your post-school legal career as well. 把工作留在工作中,利用在家的时间专注于让你们的关系变得特别的事情.”

This sage advice has certainly served them well. Kit is President and CEO of Klyde Warren Park, which has become Dallas’ beloved town square, and Kemp is the President of Uptown Capital Advisors, an investment advisory and financial planning firm. 结婚近30年, 他们有两个女儿, 安妮和伊丽莎白, and are now thriving in work and life as empty nesters.


有趣的事实:Sam在Bryan的手机里仍然是“Sam Gaiss-inn😊”,这是她在1L培训的第一天就在他的手机里输入的. “布莱恩看起来很聪明,我认为他会是一个很好的朋友,”山姆笑着说. They were sitting next to each other when Dean Yeager made his famous comment, “看看你的左右,因为你可能坐在你未来伴侣的旁边”——事实证明确实如此!

萨姆和布莱恩很快就成了朋友, 成立了一个学习小组, 当他们成为11年级学生的第一周,在CivPro里坐在一起时,他们接到了陌生电话, and won first place in the annual law school chili cookoff (Bryan's recipe, 山姆的装饰品). 他们和11年级的学生上同样的课,并尽量在之后的每个学期安排至少一门课在一起上.

They hung out with friends, went to the Ft. 沃斯竞技和达拉斯星队比赛, 一起在校内演奏, 每周一次(或更多次)会去斯奈德广场的Half Shells吃牡蛎玉米片和饮料. “It was rare that you saw Sam without Bryan or Bryan without Sam,他们说. 但他们只是朋友.

They graduated law school together in 2019, but their first date was not until 2021 when Bryan made the first move, 邀请山姆做他的女伴,参加他们法学院同学和密友的婚礼, Maddie Bailey (’19) and Lukas Moffett (’19). 当时,山姆住在圣. 奥古斯汀, 在美国巴威克银行做了两年的职员后,他在佛罗里达州的巴威克银行从事合规工作.S. 维尔京群岛(圣. Croix), and Bryan was still in Texas, practicing law in Fort Worth. Fast forward from that first date in 2021 to a wedding in May 2023, to finding out two months later they had a baby on the way! “在过去三年里, 我们已经设法到目前为止, 订婚, 结婚, 然后怀孕,他们笑着说. 他们的女儿将于2024年3月出生.

山姆和布莱恩现在和他们的狗杰克住在沃斯堡,布莱恩在沙克尔福德从事建筑法律工作, 博文, 麦金利 & 诺顿, Sam远程领导巴维克银行公司的抵押贷款合规部门. They love to visit family and spend time at the beach in Florida, where they hope to spend time this summer with their new baby.

他们给一起从法学院毕业的情侣们的建议是,记住首先要做朋友. “在我们的三年里, 我们是彼此的永恒, 彼此最好的朋友, 精神支持. 法学院可能是一种折磨, 但它也创造了持久的, meaningful relationships with amazing individuals turned lifelong friends,他们说. 而且——谁知道呢——即使是在你们第一天的开学典礼之后的六年, you just might marry your best friend.

02届的Jennifer和04届的Jared Pope

2000年秋天,詹妮弗和贾里德·波普在图书馆瞥了一眼,从此开始了一段长久的恋情. Since they were in different law school years, Jennifer and Jared didn’t have any classes together and had not met. 但一旦火花迸发, 他们做了法学院学生最擅长的事情:“我们都自己做了调查,发现了自己的名字,詹妮弗说。! They finally connected at a law school happy hour at the end of the fall semester, and a first date to Houston’s in Preston Center (now Hillstone) soon followed. “We talked all night about our backgrounds, families and, of course, law school!他们笑着说.

Jennifer and Jared were both busy and involved students, yet each carved their own identity and path through law school. Jared was involved in moot court and the Tax Clinic, 而詹妮弗则共同主持了小企业管理局导师项目,并在《威尼斯人娱乐城》上发表文章. 他们一起学习,但也优先考虑一起做饭,周末一起去看电影,“从学校休息一下,享受彼此的陪伴。,詹妮弗说。.

说到烹饪,他们订婚的故事“就像《威尼斯人娱乐城》里的一幕,”贾里德说. 他知道珍妮佛一家多么喜欢美食,而杰瑞德也很会做饭. To impress her parents before he asked her dad for her hand in marriage, Jared asked if he could make his specialty, 烤牛排. “如果你在厨房里手巧的话, then you know that 烤牛排 involves cognac and an impressive flambé ... 你不知道的, and I didn’t know until it was too late, 是不是我未来的岳父岳母在厨房的灶台正上方装了个火警报警器!贾里德回忆道.

Even though the evening involved a fireball, 很响的火警, 火焰和烟雾疯狂地摆动, and a future father-in-law sporting a Robert Deniro-esque frown, 第二天,她爸爸答应了, 剩下的就是历史了. “I haven't made 烤牛排 at their house since!他笑着说.

詹妮弗和贾里德于2006年6月结婚,现在他们有一家公司和两个十几岁的孩子. When they are not attending weekend sporting events with their son and daughter, 他们经营着自己创立的公司, 保护工作. 保护工作提供全面的工作场所不当行为解决方案,使组织能够主动培养信任和合规的文化. 詹妮弗和贾里德认为,他们在新大戴德曼法学院接受的法律教育,使他们能够成功地“将我们的法律和商业智慧结合起来,创建了一家让工作场所更安全的公司。.”

Their best advice to current law school couples is to seek balance. 以约会之夜为例, 一起参加活动, and make sure to also balance personal time with couple time.” Now that is a recipe for a lasting partnership.