Staff Opportunities and Events

Throughout the year, 新大学生事务部为员工提供聚会的机会, grow as professionals, and pitch in across campus. 阅读以下内容,了解全年参与的机会.

Division Updates

Division Committees


  • Providing professional development, 联系和学习以及鼓励自主的专业探索
  • 提供可选但有意义的丰富机会
  • Supporting the Division and its departments

In addition to supporting GAs directly, 委员会还寻求支持并为GA监督员提供发展机会.


Dr. Kim Nelson Pryor Director for Student Affairs Assessment and Analytics, Office of the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs 


Elissa Moody 住宿社区主任服务大楼,住宿生活和学生宿舍
Emma Bluestein Coordinator, Women and LGBT Center
Evan Saperstein 海吉家庭职业发展中心职业发展副主任
Kaiesha Serbin 高级部门住房,居住生活和学生住房副主任
Maddie Steele 居住社区主任,居住生活和学生住房
Jade Weaver 赫吉家庭职业发展中心亨特领导力学者项目副主任
Rylea Dunlap Coordinator for Leadership Programs, Student Center and Activities

山顶卓越奖是新加坡管理大学最负盛名的颁奖典礼, annually recognizing the outstanding accomplishments of students, staff, and faculty at SMU. 该奖项由学生事务处通过奖项委员会制定. Learn more about the Hilltop Excellence Awards at


Renée Gibson 负责住宿生活、住宿生活和学生住房的副主任
Dr. Dawn F. Norris 学生事务高级副校长办公室的幕僚长 


Brandon Kitchin 社会变革协调员,社会变革和跨文化参与
Nicole Moore Coordinator, Student Center and Activities
Bonnie Pickett 技术和网络专家,学生事务高级副校长办公室 
Macon Stockholm 住宅社区主任- Kathy Crow Commons,住宅生活和学生住房
Alexis Stackhouse Coordinator, Orientation and Transitions



Amanda Bobo 海吉家庭职业发展中心雇主关系副主任
Nate Faust Director, Women and LGBT Center


Dr. Jennifer "JJ" Jones 学生发展执行主任兼社会变革和跨文化参与主任
Sean Murphy Director, Student Center and Activities
Roman Peterson 居住社区主任-玛丽海,佩顿,班车,居住生活和学生住房
Lauren Searway 海吉家庭职业发展中心雇主关系部副主任
David Sommers 海吉家庭职业发展中心雇主关系部副主任

The Social Committee plans gatherings for division staff to build community and enhance the work experience. 


Kaleb Loomis Associate Chaplain, Office of the Chaplain and Religious Life
David Sommers 海吉家庭职业发展中心雇主关系部副主任


Chloe Cory Assistant Director, Fraternity and Sorority Life
Gabe Cruz Assistant Director Sports Programs, Campus Recreation
Arthi Krishnan, MD Associate Director of Medical Services, Physician
John Martin Associate Director, Orientation and Transitions
Reyna Muñoz 学生事务高级副校长办公室合同和人力资源专家 
Dr. Kim Nelson Pryor Director for Student Affairs Assessment and Analytics, Office of the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs 
Alyssa Schertz Marketing Specialist, Hegi Family Career Development Center
Gregg Suttle 运营副主任,居住生活和学生住房
Abel Tomatis Psychologist, Counseling Services, Dr. Bob Smith Health Center
ShyAnte'e Williams Coordinator, Student Center and Activities

Staff Advocacy Council

As an extension of the SMU Staff Association (SMUSA), 工作人员宣传理事会力求促进就工作人员共同感兴趣和关心的领域进行对话, to provide insight on University initiatives, 并代表员工群体向管理人员提交建议. 学生事务处的代表是埃文·萨珀斯坦.

Have a question, comment, or suggestion for the SAC? You can email your representative directly (,或者你可以填写下面的在线评论表格. 每个月,SAC开会处理表格和个人代表提交的意见. 意见、问题和建议将被传递给管理大学的管理人员进行审查. 

SMUSA Suggestions Form

Professional Development Series

As stated in its 6th strategic goal, 本司的目标是在招聘时将专业卓越作为一种期望和承诺, retaining, and advancing talent. 如欲了解详情,请联络专业卓越委员会联席主席Amanda Bobo ( and Nate Faust (

Meet Colleagues and Get Involved


  • End of Year Picnic

    After the completion of each spring semester, 学生事务处的工作人员被邀请用食物庆祝又一个伟大的一年, fun, and games. 细节通过快照和部门会议进行沟通.

  • Conversations with Colleagues

    负责学生事务的高级副校长陈博士会定期邀请部门员工. K.C. Mmeje, for informal conversation with colleagues and Dr. Mmeje. Invitations are by way of SMU email. 每个工作人员通常每学年被邀请参加一次会议.

  • Volunteer Opportunities

    For those seeking more ad hoc opportunities to get involved, 各部门定期邀请员工自愿参加各种活动(例如.g., Stampede, Move-In, All-Majors Career Fair) in the Snapshot.


  • Innovation Grant

    Each year, 创新补助金用于支持该部门内新的或重大更新/改进的项目或服务,这些项目或服务对学生产生了可见和可衡量的影响, faculty, staff, and/or the local community. Applications due each Spring. 通过快照中的公告了解有关拨款申请和奖励过程的更多信息.

    Engage Dallas
    Career Closet
    Exercise is Medicine Fun Run
    Mustang PEP Talks

  • Professional Development Fund

    各单位均设有专款,为员工提供专业发展机会. 资金使用的批准由主管酌情决定,并遵循各单位确定的程序. 这些资金可以用于帮助您在当前角色中发展的活动和经验,也可以用于教育目的的资源和材料.

    Examples of use for professional development funds:
    Professional Conferences
    Online Educational Offerings
    Professional Memberships
    Books, Journals, or other materials and professional subscriptions