

Eligible faculty may receive as much as $2000 per academic year for travel expenses to present original papers at scholarly and professional meetings. 这一奖励包括报销与旅行有关的会议费用,如住宿费, meals, transportation, 和注册, 所有这些都是免税的. 资金可用于国外或国内旅行和虚拟会议.


Kelsey Schenck教授, Corey Brady, 和Prajakt Pande坐在混合现实实验室用VR设备.


Dr. Stephanie Al OtaibaSummer Research Assignments provide tenure-line faculty with salary support while they concentrate on research and writing during the summer. 这些奖励的条款各不相同,但都包括一到两个月的夏季工资. All Summer Research Assignment applications must be received and approved by the applicant’s department chair. Applications approved by the chair are then made available to the review committees (selected by the college) for review and decisions. 学院院长是最后的审查员.

夏季研究任务奖是基于一些因素, 包括对学校的预期收益. The recipient is expected to return to normal duties at the university for at least one academic year—Sept. 1日至5月31日,根据SRA. 选择离开大学一学年不回来的受赠人, 无论是因为辞职还是退休, is obligated to reimburse the university for funds (gross salary plus fringe benefits) expended in support of the SRA.

暑期研究任务是由工资服务按月支付的工资奖励. 这些奖励受到适用于教师工资支付的所有扣除的影响.


提交以下内容 as a single PDF document using 12倍新罗马字体 边框不少于一英寸.

1) Project proposal that is no longer than three single-spaced pages (references are not included in the page count). 提案必须包括SRA产品的详细大纲.g., 拨款)和提交的截止日期, 以及其他细节,如图书出版商, funding agency, 授予的类型等.
2) 4页简历,突出相关研究成果和资助情况.

提案应包括标题和概述项目的基本原理和意义, 研究问题, 以及一份明确规定研究方法和方法论的研究计划, 以及所提议项目的目标和产品. 将优先考虑概述一个明确定义的, well-justified and feasible project that will contribute to the submission of a proposal by the end of fall for external funding or to provide support for a major project also due by the end of fall (e.g.(读完一本书). Priority also given to those submitting a book proposal or a grant for the first time and to those submitting to a grant agency/organization to which they have not submitted previously (please make sure to specify this information in your proposal).

The proposal will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the Simmons Research Council who will submit their recommendation to the Associate Dean for Research and Outreach. 院长会做最后的决定.

最终报告将于10月1日前提交st 授予该奖项的学年. For instance, 如果你获得了2024年夏季的SRA, 最终报告必须在10月1日前提交, 2024.

2024年夏季课程的申请截止: 2024年1月18日下午5点

最终决定将由: 2024年2月16日


Dr. 多米尼克·贝克在西蒙斯学校阅览室Research leaves are available to those qualifying persons of the University who are full-time employees holding faculty rank of associate professor or higher. The faculty member is eligible to apply for one semester of research leave at full pay or one year of research leave at partial pay (typically half of the nine-month base salary for the college and most schools, 但不能超过基本工资的三分之二). The faculty member is eligible to apply for a research leave that begins after a minimum of twelve semesters of full-time service since the initial appointment or last research leave or a minimum of ten semesters of full-time service after a junior faculty research leave (see below). Faculty with more than the minimum number of semesters of full-time service needed for eligibility may not carryover the additional semesters toward eligibility for a future leave or use the additional semesters to request a longer research leave at full pay. A faculty member who takes a research leave must agree to return to full-time service at SMU for at least one year.

更多信息: 教师休假计划/政策2.13 /学术事务


Research leaves are available to those qualifying persons of the University who are full-time employees holding faculty rank of associate professor or higher. The faculty member is eligible to apply for one semester of research leave at full pay or one year of research leave at partial pay (typically half of the nine-month base salary for the college and most schools, 但不能超过基本工资的三分之二). The faculty member is eligible to apply for a research leave that begins after a minimum of twelve semesters of full-time service since the initial appointment or last research leave or a minimum of ten semesters of full-time service after a junior faculty research leave (see below). Faculty with more than the minimum number of semesters of full-time service needed for eligibility may not carryover the additional semesters toward eligibility for a future leave or use the additional semesters to request a longer research leave at full pay. A faculty member who takes a research leave must agree to return to full-time service at SMU for at least one year.

更多信息: 初级教师研究假/政策2号.13 /学术事务


与外科医生会面 The 院长论文优秀奖 is given to PhD students to enhance the quality of their dissertations. 该奖项的目的是提供高达3美元的资金,000 that would significantly increase the quality of the student’s dissertation or improve the student’s chances of obtaining outside funding for their dissertation research. All students who have completed their required coursework (not including the prospectus defense) by the date of the award are invited to apply. 赠款可用于支持数据购买或数据收集工作, 包括与这些努力相关的旅行和实地工作. A subcommittee appointed by the Associate Dean of Research will review proposals and give priority to students who have defended their dissertation proposals, 谁处于更高级的阶段, 否则他们将无法收集或获取数据. 奖励是滚动发放的.

请提交你的奖项申请 via 院长论文提升奖申请. 所需的提案材料必须在一个PDF文件中提交,并包括以下内容.

  • 一个不超过250字的简短摘要,
  • 一份不超过三页的非技术语言提案;
  • 论文开题成功的签字表;
  • 申请人简历的更新副本,以及
  • 系内教授的推荐信一封.


  • 建议的论文题目是什么?
  • 进步奖允许学生做什么来改进论文?
  • 这些资金将如何使用? 学生应说明他们的招股说明书(辩护)的状态, scheduled, 建议)的申请.
  • 提案的最后一部分应该提供一个拟议的预算, 预算的理由, 以及预期费用的时间表.
  • 如果该奖项将帮助学生申请校外资助, this should be clearly indicated in the proposal as well as a list of the funding sources for which the student plans to apply and details of those sources' application processes (due dates for receipt of proposals, 无论是否需要教师支持,资金可用的日期, and if so, 教职员工的声明,表明将提供此类支持, etc.)



Research Seed Grants are competitive grants that are awarded from the Deans’ Office to enable research of extramural sponsored programs; seed grant awards are made in consideration of start-up fund balances. These funds, 每个奖项最高可达5000美元, 是否可用于允许的研究支出,如额外的学生学时. 请记住,研究种子基金应导致提交拨款提案.

Allowable Costs

  • Wages for student/clerical assistants or focus group participants in compliance with the minimum wage standards.
  • Reasonable consultant's fees as determined by the review committee conditional on the documentation submitted by the grant applicant.
  • 必要且与项目直接相关的旅行记录. 所有旅行必须遵守新加坡管理大学的指导方针.
  • 运营费用(办公用品、软件、电脑费用等).)
  • 与拟议的研究直接有关的设备和用品,在预算资金上是合理的
  • 教师暑期津贴. 不超过总请求的50%.


  • 出差参加会议,会议,培训研讨会,展示研究成果.
  • 所有与拟议研究项目无关的费用.
  • 课程发行买断.


  • 资金必须在授予后的12个月内用完. Funds from Research Seed Grants may not be used for travel in pursuit of extramural funding or to workshops and conferences. Visits to funding agencies in pursuit of sponsored programs is supported by the Extramural Travel Grant program.
  • 研究种子补助金不得用于教师夏季工资或通过买断方式释放教学. 此外,某些项目不包括在这些基金中购买.
  • Only one Research Seed Grant may be awarded to a faculty member within a thirty-six (36) month period.
  • Successful applicants must submit a one-page report within thirty (30) days following the end of the award period, 包括关于资金后续行动的最新计划.

Prajakt Pande教授, Kelsey Schenck, 科里·布雷迪站在虚拟现实设备的混合现实实验室.